President’s Message

Let your light SHINE before others that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in Heaven…. Matthew 5:16

Welcome to the new and updated Women’s Club website! Our webmaster and fellow member, Kathy Morris, along with her husband, John Morris, have spent the summer reworking the site to give us a “facelift.”  We hope you take a minute to navigate around the site and familiarize yourself with the new features.

The Women’s Club has also initiated their own Facebook page over the summer as well. Another member and a past President, Debbie Clatterbuck, was the driving force behind that project. We appreciate all her efforts on our behalf.  Be sure to like us on Facebook!

Along with a new website and Facebook page, we are getting ready to gear up for our monthly General Meetings.  These meetings are held the first Thursday of the month at the PBOC PLC area from 11:00am-1:00pm and include a light lunch for our members. The first meeting is Thursday, September 5, 2024. Membership is priced at a “value added” $20 for the year and helps to defray the food expense for the 9 General Meetings we have scheduled this year. The only exception is the Christmas Luncheon that occurs in December.  This will be held at an outside venue and more information will be forthcoming in the next several months.

This year I have chosen a new motto for our club that is listed at the top of this letter.  I think that this motto is the embodiment of the Women’s Club religious, social and charity work accomplished by our meetings, functions, and fundraisers.  It exemplifies the loving spirit of our members as we work together to accomplish our goals in every aspect of our mission.

I am excited to be your new President for 2024-2026. Thank you for your confidence in me and that of our new Executive Board. The Board and I have been working throughout the summer and have some new ideas to share with you in the coming months. As always, we are open to your feedback and ideas as we joyfully work together in God’s vineyard.

Rita Foster, President, PBOC Women’s Club

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